This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

My second post in this series! For my July report, I’ll be introducing several different kinds of events, including a music festival, a masterclass, and reception parties. Ever since I started working at a PR company in Tokyo, I’ve had more access to really cool events happening in the area and it’s always fun to meet new people in the industry. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my July Tokyo party report!


Rolling Loud Japan Pre-Roll @ TABLOID

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018 Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Rolling Loud is a 3-day music festival that started in Miami, FL and is now the biggest hip-hop festival in the world. I was fortunate enough to help out with the PR for the first Rolling Loud in Japan! Rolling Loud Japan Pre-Roll was held at TABLOID on the 1st of July, featuring heated performances by DJ MARZY, kZm, KOHH and KAYTRANADA. Unfortunately, I was outside the majority of the event helping out at the photocall, but I did sneak in a few mintues of KOHH’s performance (which was amazing by the way) and got to interact with a lot of the guests while on the job. I can’t to go to the next one!

今年の夏日本初のRolling LoudがTABLOIDにて開催されました!Rolling Loudとはフロリダ州マイアミ発の3日間の音楽フェスであり、今では世界で一番大きいヒップホップフェスです。今回はPRとしてお手伝いさせていただきました。Rolling Loud Japan Pre-Rollでは、DJ MARZY, kZm, KOHHとKAYTRANADAがステージを盛り上げてくれました。残念ながら、私はずっと外のフォトコールでお手伝いしていたのでKOHHさんのパフォーマンスをちょろっとしか見れなかったのですが、写真をを見るとお客さんも相当楽しんでいたのがわかります!次のRolling Loud も楽しみです!

NYX Cosmetics Japan Masterclass with Patrick Ta

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018 Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

I was also on the job for this event, and like the NYX Cosmetics Japan Masterclass with Jordan Liberty (see post here), I served as Patrick Ta’s translator for the entire event. Patrick is a reknowned makeup artist based in LA who has done makeup for big-name celebrities such as Ariana Grande, GiGi Hadid and Rihanna. For this masterclass, he demonstrated a summer-inspired makeup look on model/DJ Alisa Ueno, featuring new products from NYX. It was a very thorough, easy-to-understand masterclass where many MUA’s, beauty YouTubers and Instagrammers, and even students were in attendance. I definitely found Patrick’s makeup tips and tricks to be very useful!

こちらのNYXのイベントもお仕事で参加させてもらいました。前回のJordan Liberty for NYX Cosmetics マスタークラスと同じく、今回はPatrick Taさんの通訳を務めさせていただきました。Patrickさんはロサンゼルスを拠点とするメイクアップアーティストであり、アリアナ・グランデ、リアーナ、ジジ・ハディッドなど、数々のハリウッドセレブのメイクを担当しています。今回のマスタークラスでは、モデルとDJの植野有砂さんにNYX新商品を使って夏メイクルックのデモンストレーションを行いました。とても分かりやすく説明してくれたので、私もすごく勉強になりました。沢山のメイクさん、YouTuber, インスタグラマー、そして美容専門学校の生徒達が参加してくれたので、賑やかなイベントとなりました。

Cosmopolitan Summer Party Pink Amazon @ Hotel New Ohtani

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018 Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

I finally made it to the Cosmopolitan Japan Summer Party this year! Last year, I was in Paris when they threw their first summer pool party, but this year, I was invited to DJ in the early afternoon, right in front of the pool at Hotel New Ohtani. I’ve always wanted to DJ at a summer pool party so this was the perfect opportunity as I also do a monthly column for Cosmopolitan Japan.

This year, the theme was “pink amazon,” so I made sure to incorporate pink in my bikini and accessories. Cosmopolitan provided all kinds of entertainment, included dance performances, talk shows, DJs, and guest performances by Celine Farach and Awich. My friend & fellow co-founder of La Fondue Tokyo also DJed in the afternoon, and fellow blogger Misha Janette did a fashion check to see who had the cutest outfit at the party (I think she looked pretty fabulous herself!). Hoping to DJ again at a pool party before summer ends! I had an amazing time ?

今年はやっとコスモポリタンジャパンのサマーパーティーに参加できてうれしい!去年のサマーパーティーの時ちょうどパリにいたので行けなかったのですが、今回はDJとしてお招きいただいたので本当に光栄です!Hotel New Ohtaniのような広々としたプールの前でDJするのずっとやってみたかったので、夢がまたひとつ叶いました✨

今年のサマーパーティーのテーマは「ピンクアマゾン」。ということで、ピンクの水着にサングラス、ピンクリップの衣装で参戦しました。パーティーでは様々なエンターテインメントが用意されていて、一日中楽しめるイベントとなりました。ダンスパフォーマンス、トークショー、DJセット、そしてCeline FarachとAwichによるゲストパフォーマンスで大変盛り上がっていました。友達のTIGARAHとDJできて楽しかったし、友達も可愛い水着姿で遊びにきてくれたので嬉しかったです。来年のパーティーも楽しみ?

Maison Able Cafe Ron Ron Launch in Harajuku

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Maison Able Cafe RonRon is a new type of cafe – it’s an all-you-can-eat sweets cafe with small dishes rotating on a conveyor belt, kind of like a conveyor belt sushi bar. And the sweet news is, it’s only 1800 yen (approx. 20 USD) for 40 minutes of all-you-can-eat dessert! You can choose a hot or cold drink of your choice, and some of the dessert options include macarons, crepes, cake, pudding, popcorn, and chips. In French, “ron ron” is the sound a cat makes when it’s satisfied, hence the cute cat motifs on the desserts. Cafe RonRon just opened on July 16th, so if you’re in Harajuku, be sure to check it out!

Maison Able Cafe RonRonは女子が絶対ハマる新しいコンセプトのカフェです。7月16日にオープンしたばかりの回転スイーツカフェで、¥1800で40分間スイーツが食べ放題なんです!始めに冷たい、もしくは暖かいドリンクを選んで、様々な種類のデザートから選んでお腹いっぱい食べれます。「Ron ron(ロンロン)」というのは、フランス語で満足した猫の鳴き声なので、猫をテーマにしたスイーツが沢山用意されています。今話題のスイーツカフェなので、まだ行ってない方は是非行ってみて下さい!

HUNTER Festival of Summer Reception Party

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Hunter Boots had it’s summer party right before Fuji Rock Festival, and it couldn’t have come at a more convenient time! Since it’s always bound to rain during Fuji Rock weekend, it’s so important to have your rain gear in check (hint: Hunter gear!). I had the pleasure of DJing for their Festival of Summer party at the Tokyu Ginza store with my friend TIGARAH. If you’re looking for cute raingear, I highly recommend some of Hunter’s stylish designs.

Fuji Rock 2018の週末の前に、Hunter Bootsが夏のレセプションパーティーを開催しました!Fuji Rockの週末は毎年台風の季節に開催されるので、雨具をちゃんと揃えるのは大事!そこで、Hunterのブーツやレインコート、その他のレインギアがおすすめです!今回TOKYU銀座で行われたFestival of Summer パーティーで、TIGARAHとDJやらせてもらいました。可愛い衣装を着てDJするのはいつも気分が上がります❤️

RMK A/W 2018 “Glow in the Dark” Exclusive Collection Launch Party @ CASE W

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

RMK is one of my go-to makeup brands, and I was so excited to check out their newest exclusive collection titled “Glow in the Dark.” I loved the mysterious, secret garden-like theme and the beautifully vivid colors of their products. Located upstairs was the makeup touch-up area, with several photo op locations on the main floor. They did a beautiful job setting up the venue to make a makeup-lover’s dream come true. I can’t wait to try out some of these new products!

RMKは私が愛用しているメイクブランドのひとつなので、今回新しい秋冬コレクションをいち早く試すことができてラッキー!RMK A/W 2018 Exlusive Collection 「GLOW IN THE DARK」は、とてもダークでミステリアスは秘密の花園のようなテーマで、パーティー会場もそのようにデコレーションされていました。2階で商品を試すことが出来、1階ではフォトスポットや商品の拘ったディスプレーが用意されていました。女子には夢のような世界観!新しい商品を使ってみるのが楽しみです。


Did you enjoy the July Tokyo party report? Since summer is slowly coming to an end with August, I hope to write about more awesome parties and events for my next post in this series! Stay tuned❤️


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Ah the party looks so fab and fun, thanks for sharing your experience.
Xoxo, Rachel


Looked like such a great event and party, glad you had a good time, thank you for sharing your event with us!

~xo Sheree


It seems like you had a blast! I totally loved the Cosmopolitan event! The pool with everything pink is making me fall in love everytime I see the pictures lol Oh and btw the desserts with kitty cats on them are just sooo adorable.



Seems like you had such a great time! It might sound weird but I wouldn’t have guessed this festival was in Japan! I love your outfits and photos as usual 🙂 It must also be amazing to be a translator because you obviously know your talents and skills are needed and valued! Can’t wait to follow along your many other future events!


All that event looks so much fun! I hope you enjoyed them and had a really great time <3 love your floral jumpsuit too! It's lovely.



I know you had so much fun! It looks like you’re truly enjoying life!! Of course all of your looks were fly. My favorite was the black off the shoulder top and that flip flops and socks. Oh and that pink party with the cute floaters in the pool made me sooooo jealous!!!


Wow this party looks lit and you look like you’re enjoying yourself! I love your outfits btw! They are perfect for the occasionn! Beautiful pics


Looks SO FUN! Love that you’re DJ-ing in a bikini too! You’re so talented my love can’t get over your cute haircut too!
More posts like these please!

Tatyana x


It seems you’ve had blast.
Great photo selection.


Everything is wonderful and perfect, you are so beautiful my dear


you always attend the best parties babe! wish you could take me with you LOL


Ahhh so much fun! Hope you had an amazing time. 🙂



Beautiful party report. I’m glad you working like Pr so you can have more access on events, meet new peoples and opportunities. And also enjoy your hobby like a Dj. So cool babe.


Wow look at you DJing all over town at the most amazing summer pool parties! Hahaha which one was your favorite one? The Cosmo one looked really cool to me. I also liked the Hunter one and the summer slides you had one. So used to their rain boots but it was nice seeing those slides for summer!


So cool you started working on a PR company am!! Congrats. I’m sure its very fun and you will make lots of contacts!!
All these events looks so fun and interesting. I’m still hoping to see you play one time soon really a fan of your music.


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