New R&B party in town! Last weekend, my team and I held our first R&B event titled “EX-OH Tokyo” at The Deck at 1 OAK TOKYO. From starting our radio program, EX-OH Radio, on blockfm in January of this year and then kick-starting our event less than two months later has been such a roller coaster for us, but it was well worth the effort.
新しいR&Bパーティーがスタートしたよ!先週末は、念願のR&Bイベント「EX-OH Tokyo」Vol. 1を1 OAK TOKYOの3Fで無事開催することができました。今年1月にblockfmで急遽スタートしたEX-OH Radioから始まり、早速イベントもスタートしたので慌ただしかったですが、たくさんの方々のお陰で形になって本当に良かったです!

EX-OH TOKYO is a brand new R&B party in Tokyo. Consisting of DJs DaBook, AKITO of Chilly Source and myself, the name “EX-OH” is taken from the term for affection “xoxo,” embodying R&B both past and present, mixing the new with the nostalgic. The three of us aim to spread the R&B scene to a wider Japanese audience and the rest of the world. We also host an R&B radio program on blockfm titled EX-OH Radio, on-air every 4th Monday of the month.
「EX-OH TOKYO」とは、DJのDaBook、Chilly SourceのAKITO、そして私の3人でスタートした東京発のR&Bパーティーです。EX-OHはキス、ハグのxoxoが語源。R&Bを楽しんでいただくためのムーブメントです。最新のR&Bはもちろん、懐かしくも色褪せない名曲も織り交ぜ、誰でも楽しめるパーティーをお届けします。そして、私たち3人でお届けするラジオ番組「EX-OH Radio」を毎月第4月曜日にblockfmにて放送させていただいてます。

For Vol. 1 of EX-OH Tokyo, we had guest DJs North and a B2B set by Keem & Robby to get the party started. We also had a special tooth gem pop-up by Dr. Zara, who specializes in custom-made grillz and tooth gems. Since tooth gems are finally starting to trend in Tokyo, I think the pop-up was a hit!
EX-OH Tokyo第1回では、ゲストDJのNorth君とKeem&RobbyのB2Bセットに加え、Dr. Zaraのtooth gem pop-upもご用意しました。最近日本でもちょっと流行りだしているtooth gemは、パーティーでも人気でした!

The EX-OH Tokyo team really appreciates all of those who came out to party with us at our first event despite the unfortunate circumstances (aka the novel Coronavirus). We did discuss possibly delaying the party at a later date… but I’m so glad we went ahead and held it this month. We already have our second event secured at a new venue next month, so unless the Coronavirus gets worse, stay tuned for fun updates?

Flyer by Shinji Ito // Photos by Kouichi Nakazawa
The event looks so fun and enjoyable! 🙂
Congrats on the event! It looks like it was a hit!
nice samantha.
What you want your link to say goes here
Looks like you guys had an amazing time 😀 Hopefully we all can go out soon and enjoy our self. Found this on facebook –