This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

July is my favorite month of the year – if you haven’t already noticed from my previous post, my birthday was in July. And because of that, summer is probably my favorite season and there is always so much going on during vacation season. In July, I had the pleasure of working for several events and also attending special events for some of my favorite brands. Read on for more about the Tokyo parties in July!


Lauren Roth Japan launch party @ Ginza

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Hawaii-based artist Lauren Roth recently launched “Lauren Roth Japan,” and she visited Japan for the launch event. I had the pleasure of working with her the entire day as her interpreter for several interviews and for the presentation during the launch party. Lauren has collaborated with ANA Hawaii, Kate Spade, and LeSportsac, and has a large fan base in Japan. I immediately fell in love with her colorful artwork, more so because I had just visited Hawaii the previous month and felt a sense of nostalgia and warmth through her pieces. Thank you for the opportunity and I hope to see you in Hawaii someday, Lauren!



KOMONO New Collection launch party & Ice-watch store-opening party @ Harajuku

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

I decided to combine two events in one category because 1) these brands are pretty much right next to each other in Harajuku and 2) they had events simultaneously. Ice-watch opened its Harajuku location and held a reception party in celebration. I love their watches because they come in a huge variety of colors and are perfect for fashionistas who need a range of choices. KOMONO, located next door, held a party for the release of their new “From Dawn Til Dusk” collection. The sunglasses were so chic, and I loved the posters plastered on one of the walls to make up the photo opp space. Aren’t the purple ones wearing the cutest?

原宿のKOMONOとIce-watchは、場所的にほぼ隣同士でイベントも同時開催ということで、合わせて書きます。Ice-watch原宿店が新しくオープンするということで、オープニングレセプションパーティーが開催されました。Ice-watchの良い点は、シンプルなデザインなのに幅広いカラー展開なので、ファッション好きにはたまらない腕時計ブランド。色んなコーディネートに合わせられるから私は好きです。隣のKOMONOでは、新コレクションデビューをお祝いするパーティーが開催!” From Dawn Til Dusk”とのコレクションのポスターが貼り付けられた壁がパーフェクトなフォトスポットでした。メガネもめちゃくちゃ可愛かったです!


Montblanc StarWalker – Letter to the Earth – reception party @ Montblanc Ginza

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Montblanc released a new version of its fountain pen collection “StarWalker,” and held a reception party to celebrate. They also launched the “Letter to the Earth” campaign, inspired by the new StarWalker design that captures the beauty of the Earth from space. Guests were asked to write messages to Earth on cards, and later all of these message cards will be put in a balloon and launched into space. I’m always impressed by Montblanc’s fountain pens, but this StarWalker collection has to be my favorite. I also appreciated that the theme of this event showed appreciation for Earth and for the environment with #Reconnect2OurPlanet as the main hashtag. We need more awareness of events and campaigns like this!

このたび、モンブランの主力筆記具コレクション「スターウォーカー(StarWalker)」が装いも新たに生まれ変わります。そのデビューを記念してレセプションパーティーが開催されました。また、宇宙から観た地球の青い美しさをテーマにした新スターウォーカーの意匠からインスパイアされた、「Letter to the Earth」と銘打ったキャンペーンも実施しました。かけがえのない地球へのメッセージをカードに書き、それをひとつのバルーンに入れて宇宙へと飛ばす計画です。モンブランの万年筆はどれもおしゃれなのですが、このStarWalkerを本当にかっこいいなと思いました。前回のパーティーと同じく、Mikitypeさんに夜ライブカリグラフィーも見ることができました。#Reconnect2OurPlanetというハッシュタグが推しのこのイベントは、地球や環境問題を考え直すきっかけになればいいなと思いました。

“naomi for shu uemura” collection launch party @ SPIRAL

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Shu uemura released round 2 of their collaboration collection with Japanese comedian Naomi Watanabe on July 20th. I had the honor of attending the exclusive presentation and reception party before the official launch. I was so happy to see her talk about her new collection and all the hard work and details that went behind the making of her products. She is all about inclusivity and for anyone and everyone to enjoy makeup and creativity. Using her first name as a pun in Japanese for “Ima no watashi (now me =Naomi),” she wished to express through this collection the importance of being your best self. I tried some of the lipsticks and blushes and the pigmentation is amazing – I can tell she put a lot of thought into the colors and how anyone can incorporate her products into their makeup looks. Brava Naomi on a wonderful collection!

シュウ ウエムラが7月20日、渡辺直美さんとの2回目となるコラボコレクションを数量限定発売されました。コレクションの発売に先駆け、「naomi for shu uemura コレクション」発売前にエクスクルーシブ・プレゼンテーションが開催されました。待望の第2弾は、決して止まらず常に進化し続ける渡辺直美さんがさらにこだわり抜いたラインナップ。まとう人の魅力を何倍にも引き出してくれる絶妙な色から、旬な顔つきになれるトレンド色まで、渡辺直美さんがオリジナルカラーを一からプロデュースしシュウ ウエムラと開発。“今の私”を表現するオリジナルカラーの世界観が、素敵なビジュアルと供に伝わってきました。生で直美さんを観れたのは本当に感動!デビューした頃からファンなので、とても思い出に残るイベントでした!しかも、夏メイクにぴったりのアイテムばかりなので、大変お勧めのコレクションです。


Beefeater Pink Gin Japan launch party @ Tenoha Daikanyama

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Beefeater recently released their new Pink Gin, and the Japan launch party was held at Daikanyama’s Tenoha. The global ambassador of Beefeater introduced the new flavor as well as different ways of enjoying the Pink Gin. Guests were able to try cocktails with pairing food. If you didn’t already know, Beefeater was born in London in 1820 by James Burrough, and his original recipes have been enjoyed since. Now, Desmond Payne is responsible for continuing the legacy of creating new recipes, and also the creation of the new Pink Gin. I think this gin is such a pretty color and making different cocktails would be fun and perfect for parties.

ビーフィーター“ピンクストロベリー” Japan ローンチパーティーが代官山のTenohaで開催されました。グローバルアンバサダーも来日し、美味しいストロベリージンのカクテル&ペアリングフードを楽しむことができました。ビーフィータージンは1820年にロンドンで誕生し、若き薬剤師ジェームス・バローの手によって作り出されたオリジナルレシピは、今なおマスターディスティラーであるデズモンド・ペインによって守り続けられています。今回のピンクストロベリージンはペインの手により、誕生したものです。女の子でも飲みたくなるようなピンク色の可愛らしいのジンは、人気が出そう!

LEVI’S Harajuku Flagship Store opening party

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Levi’s is one of my absolute favorite brands, and I was so excited to find out that they were going to open a flagship store in the middle of Harajuku! The new flagship store on Cat Street is over 4 stories and 527 square meters. This will be the 5th store after London, Paris, New York and San Francisco to have the “LOT No.1” bespoke jenas service in-store. There will be a “tailor shop” and “print shop” for customization, and this will be the only store in Japan were customers can personalize their items. It is definitely the biggest Levi’s store I’ve shopped at in Japan and I’m so excited to go back for more shopping!

私の大好きなLevi’sは、7月26日原宿のキャットストリートにアジア最大級のフラッグシップストアをオープンしました!3層からなる店舗の売り場面積は約527平方メートル。1階から3階までが店舗、4階がショールーム。そして、ロンドン、パリ、ニューヨーク、サンフランシスコに続き、世界5店舗目となるビスポークジーンズサービス「LOT No.1(ロット・ナンバーワン)」が日本初上陸しました。店舗の商品をベースにカスタマイズを施す「TAILOR SHOP」や、Tシャツをカスタマイズする「PRINT SHOP」とともに3階に常設し、現在、Levi’sが提供しているパースナライゼーションサービスを全て取り扱う、日本唯一の店舗となります。今ままで東京で買い物していたLevi’sのお店と比べたら、断然広いし大きい!Levi’sの世界観を本当に感じ、体験できる素敵なお店でした。

Cosmopolitan Japan Summer Party 2019 @ PLUSTOKYO

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Cosmopolitan Japan always hosts the party of the summer, and this year was no different! Taking place at Ginza’s PLUSTOKYO, guests were able to enjoy the party on the rooftop overlooking the city. There were live performances, touch-and-try booths and also the Miss Cosmo contest where the winner will become fo the next cover girl of the online magazine. I really wanted to go all out for this party, so I decided to go with a neon green dress inspired by Kylie Jenner. Even though I was only able to go during the evening (this party starts around noon and ends at night), I was happy I got to see artist Chanmina perform. She’s only 20 years old and an artist I truly respect in the Japanese music industry. Thank you so much Cosmopolitan Japan for hosting such an awesome summer party!

夏と言ったら、やっぱりコスモポリタンのサマーパーティでしょう!今年は銀座のPLUSTOKYOで開催され、ライブやブース、Miss Cosmo Contestなど、様々なコンテンツが用意されていました。こういうパーティーでは絶対目立ちたいので、今回はカイリー・ジェンナーをイメージしてネオンのワンピースをチョイスしました。この日は夜の部しかいけなかったのですが、宮崎のFREEDOM BEACHの現場で一緒だったちゃんみなさんのライブをバッチリ観れたので、本当に嬉しかったです。たくさんパワーをもらいました!コスモポリタンジャパン編集部、いつもありがとうございます!


CAFE MAYBELLINE @ Maybelline House

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko - July 2018

Maybelline Japan held a one-day-only “Café MAYBELLINE” event to introduce two new products. Maybelline House in Harajuku was decorated in a vintage & pop style with their product ads from previous years, graffiti art on the walls and neon lights. Guests were seated at tables just like in a cafe as they enjoyed finger foods and were introduced to the new Hyper Curl Powerfix Mascara and Instant Age Rewind Eraser Concealer. I went with my good friend Junior who loves makeup just as much as I do, and we are so excited to incorporate these two products in our summer makeup routines!

1日限定の【Café MAYBELLINE】がオープン!店内はブランドが誇るマスカラの歴史をVINTAGEとPOPをキーワードに展開した空間に加え、2つの新作アイテム:大人気シリーズ待望のカールマスカラと海外のインフルエンサーから人気に火がついたクッションコンシーラーを紹介してもらいました。カフェみたいにテーブル席でオリジナルメニューを楽しみながら、商品やトレンドの説明を受け、タッチ&トライをすることができました。親友のジュニア君もメイクが好きなので、2人でMaybellineの世界観を楽しみながらメイクの勉強をしてきました!


ZARA AW19 Press Day

Zara AW19 Press Day. I always look forward to viewing the new collection before it hits stores. This is the perfect opportunity for me to see what kind of trends and pieces to look out for so I can plan what direction I want my style to go for the coming seasons. Junior and I both went straight to the whites section and tried on all-white outfits for a twin look. I’m seeing lots of plaid and checkered pieces coming next season!

Zara AW19のプレスデーにお邪魔してきました!お店で発売される前にコレクションを見れるのって本当に嬉しい。秋冬はどういうスタイルで攻めるかを前もって決めれるし、試着もできるから◉私とジュニアは意外とシックでシンプルな服が好きなので、同時に白アイテムめがけてペアで試着して見ました(笑)。チェック柄などが結構流行りそう!


Thank you so much for reading the July Tokyo party report! If you haven’t yet, please check out the previous report for June. Stay tuned for the next one!

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Beautiful. I loved these pictures.


This is such an amazing party report! I seriously love all the beautiful outfits you wore to each event!


I love these party reports because it lets me be a part of the action while in the comfort of my home. It looks like you had a really fun July!



Omg you’re full of events. Love how you changed your looks and become blonde. I saw your looks also on the previous posts but like them all.



I absolutely love your recaps! I am obsessed with your off the shoulder top and the white dress looks amazing on you 🙂 and I’m so surprised that Zara had an event! I didn’t even know what they hosted events but glad you had fun!


A lot of wonderful brands to collab with! From makeup to cocktail drinks everything looks really amazing. I enjoy your recaps as well as your awesome selection of outfits for each and one of your events. You go girl!


Must be so fun attending all these events. I like all your outfits, so hip!

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