Reflecting on 2019 – A Letter To Myself

A letter to myself in 2012: 2012年の自分への手紙: Dear Samantha, I’m writing to you from the year 2019, a very life-changing and important year for you in your career and personal life. You just moved from California to Japan on your own with just two suitcases, no concrete plans for your future but lots of hopes … Continue Reading

A Birthday Reflection

Birthdays come and go quickly, but resolutions can stick with you if you put your mind to it. As I get older, I realize more and more the importance of reflection and self-improvement to always be ready for that next step or phase in your life. While I do preach the “go with the flow” … Continue Reading

A New Start

“Why is this blog post titled ‘A New Start’?” you may ask. Well, for one thing, I completely changed my look into one of the edgiest looks I’ve ever done in my life. And second of all, as of last week, I am completely freelance. The reality of this new change in my life hasn’t … Continue Reading

3 Reasons Why Change Can Be Good For You

In just the last two months, so much has changed for me. I chopped off my hair, I changed jobs, I had the honor of guest speaking at Portland State University, etc. etc. If there is one thing I can say about all this is that all of these recent events have changed my perspective … Continue Reading

5 Things I Learned After 5 Years in Tokyo

Starting a brand new life in a different country is never easy. Even if you’ve visited many times and can speak the language fluently, there are so many things you can learn from totally immersing yourself in a different culture and surroundings than the one you grew up in. This is exactly what happened for … Continue Reading

How to become a more confident person

I’m probably the last person that should be giving any advice on this topic. But being know as the “shy girl” the first half of my life and now trying to make it in the entertainment industry where shyness can pull you back, I decided I’d give some advice through my experiences over the years. … Continue Reading

self portrait

This past year, my blog has grown significantly in many ways and I’m thankful for all the people that made it possible, including my photographer, my friends, my readers and my sponsors, to name a few. But with my birthday and the responsibility I feel with the age I am now, I had to seriously … Continue Reading

Saturday vibes

I usually make my photos the main attraction for my posts, but today I feel like using my words as the focus of this post. Around noon, I went to the recording studio to finish recording a track that was postponed for quite a while for various reasons, one being my producer was busy with … Continue Reading

Reflecting on 2013

Here I am again, in my apartment in Japan, typing up my reflection of this past year. This year was crazier than last year, especially the last half of the year. As some of you may or may not know, my father passed away in August due to a tragic motorcycle accident. When I first … Continue Reading

Looking back at 2012

I can’t believe I’m sitting here, in my tiny apartment in Tokyo, Japan, typing up a reflection of this past year. 2012 went by much too quickly, and for me, it was probably the biggest turning points in my life thus far. At the beginning of 2012, I was still an undergraduate at UCLA finishing up … Continue Reading