This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The concept of challenge has been an important topic for me in the pursuit of growth and empowerment. As a student living in the California bubble, I didn’t really understand what it meant to truly challenge myself, and was afraid to try new things. As an adult having lived in Tokyo for over 5 years now, I can say for a fact that I’ve slowly gotten over this fear of challenge. It’s been one bumpy roller-coaster of a journey for me since I left California, and accepting multiple challenges along the way has helped me grow significantly as a person. In this post, I’ve listen 5 reason why it’s important to keep challenging yourself in both big and small ways.


Why It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging Yourself

5 Reasons why it’s important to challenge yourself

  1. You’ll build confidence (and tougher skin). 自信に繋がる。The thing is, challenge comes in many forms. It could be as easy as learning a new skill, or getting over a painful loss and accepting the fact that life must go on. We experience many things during our lifetimes that can teach us a lesson or two and sometimes it can be the hard way around. But no matter what, once you get through that ordeal or experience or hurdle, you will come out stronger and tougher than ever before.
  2. It’ll be easier to accept change. 変化をもっと素直に受け入れることができる。I used to be one of those people that hated change. Now I can say I accept change much more openly. Why? Because I experienced and also put myself in certain situations that have forced me to challenge myself. For example, I lost my father and grandmother in the span of 2 years. Despite the sadness and regret that I deeply felt, I had to accept that change in my life. I was asked to help produce an event, even though I had no idea how. I threw myself at the opportunity knowing that it would be a great learning experience that would change my life.
  3. You’ll be more open-minded and have a better attitude. 新しい思想を取り入れる心の広い人になれる。As you take on each challenge in your life, no matter how big or small, it’s guaranteed to give you a sense of accomplishment, hence making you a happier person. Doing new things has given me an open mind to further challenge myself. And since I work with new people all the time, each new experience has allowed me to approach things with a better attitude. In a sense, it’s character building.
  4. It’s an opportunity to learn something new or take that extra leap for a more confident you. 新しいスキルを身に付けたり、ステップアップするチャンス。Always. You do new things, you learn new things. Even if it’s just trying a new recipe for dinner, or running an extra mile around the track even though you think you can’t, you still challenged yourself! And you’ll have learned something new, or learned something you didn’t know about yourself. I can’t see either as a waste of time or energy.
  5. Life will be more enjoyable overall. 人生がもっと楽しく、充実する。And more interesting, guaranteed.

Why It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging Yourself

Some motivational quotes from Pinterest

“Your attitude determines your direction.”

“Nothing will work unless you do.”

If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. Share on X

“You are your only limit.”

“Don’t create limitations.”

There is no elevator to success - you have to take the stairs. Share on X

“Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.”

“Focus on your goal. Don’t look in any direction but ahead.”

When life puts you in tough situations, don't say, 'Why me?' Say, 'Try me.' Share on X

“You attract what you’re ready for.”

“Tough times don’t define you – they refine you.”

It's not about being the best. It's about being better than you were yesterday. Share on X

Why It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging YourselfWhy It's Important to Keep Challenging Yourself

Wearing ARISAK sweater, English Factory skirt (via Shopbop), zeroUV sunglasses, Public Desire boots, Metrocity bag


All photos by Fu Sheng Wang

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I love this motivational post! All the reasons why you need to challenge yourself are so spot on and true. I think when things get tough it is so much easier to give up even before you’ve tried, so this is a great reminder to move forward and accept the challenge as it will benefit you in the long run. I am a lover of quotes and I like that you added some inspiring ones in this post. I actually needed to read this post today for my own benefit! xoxo, Christine


I love this article because I can relate to it on a personal level. I am always trying to challenge myself because I want to grow as a person in all categories especially mentally and emotionally. Changes happen daily and it’s great to be able to self analyze and learn how to handle them. I’m also loving your outfit as usual!



Absolutely adore this post! the outfit and the reasons to challenge! We are all so comfortable in our comfort zones most people become boring! Great post dear!

Tatyana x


You are so right. Learning new things and facing your fears is a big lesson in risk taking and it is always worth it. Even when or if it goes wrong, things still go on so we might as well try. Definitely on the money there Samantha!
xx Jenelle


This post got me pumped! I’m currently going though challenging times and sometimes I just want to throw in the towel. But I have to keep going because the work needs to be done. I will only be stronger when it’s over. I truky enjoyed reading this post and the quotes really motivated me!


Thanks for writing this post for us. We need to learn mindfulness, any bad or good experience make us growz
Hope you re on the good way darling


such a great reminder darling! challenging ourselves everyday is so important to keep learning and keep life interesting hehe 🙂 thanks for sharing! xo, sharon


This is such an inspirational post. I just love how you shared your thoughts and your journey with us. You are such a happy soul and it transcends with your fashion. Thanks for the inspiration.

~ xo Sheree


Thanks for this very inspirational and motivational post! I loved reading all the quotes you shared. I agree with you, it’s definitely good to challenge yourself in order to grow. It’s something I try to be mindful of every day.

xo, Jo


I couldn’t agree more. I remember reading once that we need to constantly have challenges and goals in life because without them we don’t have anything to aspire to or look forward to either.



I agree, learning to challenge yourself definitely makes it easier to accept change. You’ll usually have gone through the toughest part of the process and the change is usually expected. Also, if we don’t challenge ourselves, we’re not growing. We’re just content, which is never a good place to be in.


Thank you for the inspiration Samantha! I truly need to read this today. I love everything about the post and your outfit!!!

Xx Gina


Couldn’t agree more. When we stop growing and changing…aren’t we as good as dead then? So it’s important to keep challenging ourselves.


Hey Samantha

Such a great post!

Thank you for the inspiration on many topics! I love everything you write here about outfits!!!

Vogue and You


Great post!!
I was so encouraged, and that gold pleated skirt is so fabulous on you!!
Thank you for sharing these motivation words<3
Have a lovely weekend!



These are all so true, I find that when allowing one, you make room for all these things to come true. Being open to change makes us better people x


Valuable information. Lucky me I found your site accidentally, and I’m stunned why this twist of fate did not took place in advance!
I bookmarked it.

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