This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Last week was one of the busiest weeks of my life! But I am incredibly grateful for some fantastic opportunities that my La Fondue Tokyo Productions team was blessed with. During Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO last week, my team and I produced two big events. In this post, I’ll be talking about our newest project, Vivaci Tokyo.

先週は久々に鬼のような忙しさを味わいました。でも、La Fondue Tokyo Productions の一員として、最近与えられた機会には本当に感謝しています。先週のRakuten Fashion Week TOKYO 中に、La Fondue Tokyoチームとともに大きいイベントを2つ企画させていただきました。今回は新しくスタートさせたプロジェクト、「Vivaci Tokyo」について書きます!

Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"

What is “Vivaci Tokyo”?

Vivaci Tokyo is a new playground showcasing the lifestyles and work ethics of leading inspirational figures within the fashion, music and art scene. A collaboration between La Fondue Tokyo, an initiative providing promotional platforms for the local underground scene, and the Italian legwear brand Calzedonia, we focus on promoting a diverse and all-inclusive environment where pioneers and their successors come to share, learn and grow in unity.

Vivaci Tokyoは、東京のアンダーグラウンドシーンを発信し続けるイベントで⼈気のLa Fondue Tokyoと、イタリアのレッグウェアブランドCalzedoniaが、コラボレーションして⽣まれたコンセプチュアルなイベントです。ファッション、音楽、アートシーンの最先端で活躍されている人たちのライフスタイルをショーケースする新しいコンセプトのイベントでは、オールインクルーシブで参加者皆さんがシェアし、学び、共に成長できるような環境を作れるよう心がけています。


Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"

Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 – “Empowerment”

For our very first event at TRUNK Hotel in Shibuya, we decided to focus on the theme of empowerment, mainly female and LGBTQ empowerment. The idea of empowerment, unfortunately, isn’t as prominent in the Japanese community as it is elsewhere in the world. As a way to bring awareness through entertainment and visuals, we selected DJs and performers who represent the female and LGBTQ community in Japan and overseas. Furthermore, we compiled a series of interviews with leading figures in the arts, entertainment and music industry in Japan and around the world, asking them their opinions and experiences regarding female and/or LGBTQ empowerment. The video was displayed in the pop-up space at TRUNK on 4 different monitors so guests were able to learn and be aware of the concept of empowerment through these different individuals.

渋谷のTRUNK Hotelで開催された第一回のイベントでは、「エンパワーメント」というテーマにフォーカスしました。特に、女性エンパワーメントとLGBTQエンパワーメント。エンパワーメントは未だにまだ日本のコミュニティーにはあまり浸透していないので、エンターテインメントやビジュアルを通してこのトピックについてゲストの方にもっと知ってもらいたいなと思いました。DJやアーティストのセレクトももちろんですが、今回のイベントでは日本や海外で活躍しているアーティストやクリエイティブ達のインタビューをまとめた映像をポップアップスペースで上映しました。彼らには、女性、またはLGBTQエンパワーメントについての質問をし、様々な視点からの答えをゲストに語りかけるようなスタイルに仕上がりました。このインタビュー映像を通して、少しでもエンパワーメントの大切さが伝わったのではないかと思います。

Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 - "Empowerment"

What’s next for Vivaci Tokyo?

After a successful evening at TRUNK, Vivaci Tokyo aims to produce more events in the future to raise awareness on various topics. This will definitely not be our last event. Stay tuned for more updates from us!

Vivaci Tokyoは今後、世間で話題のトピックについて日本のコミュニティーにもっと知らせることができるようなイベントを企画していく予定です。先週の第一回にお越しいただいた方、ありがとうございました!そして今回来れなかった方は、Vivaci Tokyoからのアップデートをチェックしてください!


Many thanks to DJ RINA, YUKIBEB, DJ POI POI, Abby Jasmine and Clea De Velours for their amazing performances. Thank you to Junior Berenguer for the beautiful visuals. Many thanks to Misha Janette, Che’Nelle, Rina Sawayama, Mana Hamada, Junior Berenguer, Super Smash Hoes Podcast, Solene Ballesta, Cherry Jerrera, Yumiko Sakuma, Kodo Nishimura, and Julia Sumire for participating in the interview and giving us your thoughts and opinions on female and/or LGBTQ empowerment. Thank you Takumi for shooting and editing the video. Many, many thanks to Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO, H3O and Calzedonia for sponsoring the event. And lots of love and thanks to my La Fondue Tokyo fam for all your hard work and dedication. But most of all, to all the guests, friends, family that showed up the day of the event, we love you!! Thank you for your support<3

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I love when you share your Tokyo edition for the events! Love your outfits as usual too 🙂


What an amazing event! I like that it shows female and LGBTQ empowerment. Always on point with your outfits btw! Your hairstyle looks super stylish.


You look fab!



How cool to get to produce these kind of events for a living. And what a great event. It is nice to see too that the event is helping the LGBTQ community in a place that is less welcoming.

Allie of


It always looks like you are super busy with fun things going on over there! Sounds like a great event too! Love the silver dress on you! Stunning!!
xx Jenelle |


Wow, this event looks amazing! I love that this was about empowerment of women and LGBTQ! Also I’m in awe of all these gorgeous outfits! Thanks for sharing!

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