Vivaci Tokyo 002 – “Environment”

This is a very long overdue post. Last month, my Vivaci Tokyo team finally held our second event at TRUNK(HOTEL) on the theme of sustainability and the environment. This post will mainly be a quick recap with a majority of the post being photos. この記事は1ヶ月前にアップするはずだったのが、もう既に11月末・・・先月、Vivaci Tokyo第2回のイベントをTRUNK(HOTEL)で開催することができました。今回のテーマは「環境」と「サステナビリティ」。写真多めのイベントまとめ記事になります! Just to recap on what Vivaci Tokyo is all … Continue Reading

Vivaci Tokyo Vol. 1 – “Empowerment”

Last week was one of the busiest weeks of my life! But I am incredibly grateful for some fantastic opportunities that my La Fondue Tokyo Productions team was blessed with. During Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO last week, my team and I produced two big events. In this post, I’ll be talking about our newest project, … Continue Reading