Reflecting on 2019 – A Letter To Myself

A letter to myself in 2012: 2012年の自分への手紙: Dear Samantha, I’m writing to you from the year 2019, a very life-changing and important year for you in your career and personal life. You just moved from California to Japan on your own with just two suitcases, no concrete plans for your future but lots of hopes … Continue Reading

Chill Out It’s Summer Mix 2

Have you listened to my latest mix yet? If not, now is the time to check it out before summer is over! “Chill Out It’s Summer Mix 2” is available to listen on my Mixcloud, or you can scroll to the bottom of this post to listen as well. 私の最新のミックスはもう聴いていただけましたか?まだの方は夏が終わる前に是非Mixcloudで聴いてみて下さい!この記事の一番下からも聴けますよ♪ Chill Out, It’s Summer Summer … Continue Reading

On body image & accepting yourself

Body image. Where do I even begin? As one who has been working in the entertainment industry for over 5 years now, it’s a constantly gnawing topic that seems to linger no matter how many times I try to brush it off my mind. It’s a controversial topic that frequently headlines all types of news … Continue Reading

Chill Out It’s Summer Mix

Even though it’s already mid-August and fall is fast approaching, I still want to stay in summer mode as long as possible. Ever since the beginning of the summer, creating a DJ mix has always been on the back of my mind since I knew many of my online friends and readers have never seen … Continue Reading

How to stay motivated even if you’re in summer mode

It’s summer, and even though you know you need to finish a project here or run an errand there, it can be pretty hard to stay motivated when you’re so tempted to grab your favorite bathing suit and run off to the beach . Trust me, I’ve been there, too, and here are some tips … Continue Reading

Hello July, Hello summer

Hello July! I can’t believe we’re already in the second half of 2017. July is my birthday month, so it makes sense that summer is my favorite season of the year. Growing up, I was always envious of the other kids that had birthdays during the school year since the entire class could celebrate with … Continue Reading

Back in sunny California

And I’m back in beautiful, sunny California for the next two weeks, with brief travels to New York and Texas in between. Since I live an ocean away from my hometown now, whenever I’m back I realize how lucky I was to have grown up near the ocean and I can appreciate everything now that I’m … Continue Reading

Rio de Sol Brazilian swimwear

September is approaching, and summer is coming to an end. Summer seems never-ending, but before you know it, fall arrives and it’s back to school, back to work. I was lucky to have been able to visit one of Japan’s beaches for a photo shoot, and luckier that Rio de Sol sent me this swimwear … Continue Reading

Venice Beach

Venice Beach is the epitome of a Californian oceanside paradise. You got your cloudless clear blue skies, vast ocean, palm trees swaying in the wind, colorful graffiti walls (and palm trunks!), the quirky souvenir shops along the Boardwalk, cafes and clothing boutiques on Abbot Kinney… and the list goes on. My friend Tina introduced me … Continue Reading

Pacific City

My 2 weeks in Cali are whizzing by and weekend 1 of Coachella is right around the corner. I did have some time to check out the new shopping center near Huntington Beach Main Street. Pacific City opened recently, and I’m already loving the scenery and convenience the area has to offer. Now I wish … Continue Reading