A cherry blossom heaven in Nara

Nara was our last stop for the Global Travel Blogger Summit, and I can’t think of a better way to conclude this amazing trip. Read on for more about our bicycle trip through Nara and the beautiful cherry blossoms! グローバルトラベルブロガーサミットのラストストップは奈良でした。12人の中のブロガーで残り3人になってしまいましたが、奈良でサミットを完結できて良かったです。奈良でのママチャリツアー、そして旬の桜の写真を是非ご覧になって下さい。 Our host, Hiro, is an expert when it comes to Nara, and he took Lena, … Continue Reading

Getting to know Hiroshima pt. II – Miyajima Island and the A-bomb Dome

Introducing part II of the “Getting to know Hiroshima” series. During our second day in Hiroshima, Gail of The Equinox Fashion and I spent half the day trekking around Miyajima Island and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial where the famous A-bomb Dome is located. グローバルトラベルブロガーサミットより、広島シリーズのパート2を紹介したいと思います。広島での二日目は、ブロガーのゲールちゃんと半日で宮島と広島平和公園を廻ってきました。 MIYAJIMA ISLAND AND THE GREAT TORII   Miyajima Island is one of … Continue Reading

Getting to know Hiroshima – Kosanji Temple and the Hill of Hope

Hiroshima was our next destination for the Global Travel Blogger Summit, and I’ll be writing two separate posts about it as I did the most sight-seeing in this prefecture. Scroll down below for more photos and information on these tourist destinations. 日本初のグローバルトラベルブロガーサミットの次のストップは広島でした。広島で一番観光地を廻ったので、二つの記事に分けてまとめます。今回は、耕三寺と未来心の丘を紹介します。 KOSANJI TEMPLE Kosanji Temple is located on Ikujishima Island along the Shimanami Bridge … Continue Reading

Navy is the new chic with AllSaints

Before I delve into the rest of the Global Travel Blogger Summit adventures, I decided to squeeze in an outfit post taken during that week. My good friend Gail of The Equinox Fashion took these photos for me, despite the very limited amount of time we had before the two of us headed over to … Continue Reading

Global Travel Blogger Summit 2017 – Celebrating 150 years in Kobe

The first ever Global Travel Blogger Summit 2017 was hosted in Japan, and I was one of the lucky bloggers to participate in this media tour. Bloggers from all over Asia got together for a week, and the journey starts in Kobe. Read on for more! 大一回のグローバル・トラベル・ブロガー・サミット2017が日本で開催され、私も光栄ながら参加させていただきました。日本の魅力を発信していくために、アジアの各国から沢山のブロガーが参加しました。一週間の度は神戸でスタート! In Japan, Tokyo is probably the most popular tourist … Continue Reading