Finally some pictures from Asia Collection in Ho Chi Minh! A few behind-the-scenes photos plus photos from the actual show that were taken with several diffrerent iPhones (sorry for the bad picture quality!)
It was a huge honor to be a part of this fashion show – it was my first big show in a different country. There were 2000+ audience members in Nguyen Du Stadium! 6 of us appeared as guest models from Japan, and we modeled popular Japanese brands such as LIZ LISA and Duras. I hadn’t felt such a huge thrill from being onstage since my last piano recital, but it was an amazing feeling. I also had a great time bonding with the girls and meeting the Vietnamese models (they were so pretty!) Apart from the fashion show, there were several Vietnamese artists that performed in between each stage.
You can check out more photos of the show here on Yan News online, and also a short clip on NHK NewsWeb here.

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You all looked great and you were so beautiful :)! Love all the outfits :)!

I've got a giveaway going on, check it out 🙂


You all look amazing!


Great!! Loved your post! Thanks for visit me!
Big kiss!

Marianela xxx


I like this blog.



You are so gorgeous I had to follow 😛


Amazing, you all are gorgeous!

Keep calm and carry lipstick.

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