How to wear a bold T-shirt 3 ways for fall

Being a California girl through and through, wearing T-shirts is second nature for me and I probably own more than I really need. I’ve recently noticed that wearing bold-colored tees is the trend this fall, so I picked one up for myself – a bright purple logo T-shirt from Studio Wear by Moussy, their newest … Continue Reading

Tokyo Typo Store

Growing up, I attended Japanese school on Saturdays, pounding my head with countless Japanese “kanji” characters, practicing them over and over again until my hand felt close to paralyzed. But because I studied them for so many years, I can understand the meaning and origins of each. I recently modeled & styled T-shirts for a … Continue Reading

Hapa love

Growing up, I would always be confused whenever I had to check a box to describe my ethnicity- Asian or white/ Caucasian. That’s why I love the hapa shirt my guy gave me for Christmas. It’s the only box I should be checking now 😉 You can view more hapa shirts here. I had received these earrings … Continue Reading