A day trip to Mitsumine Shrine in Chichibu, Japan

Although I went on this said day trip to Mitsumine Shrine at the beginning of the month, I thought finishing up 2017 with a mini travel post would be appropriate. Read on to see more photos of Mitsumine Shrine, one of the most famous power spots in Japan located on the summit of Mt. Mitsumine … Continue Reading

2013 in Tokyo

    Happy New Year everyone! I’m so excited to be writing my first post of 2013 🙂 Today, I spent the afternoon running around Tokyo with my uncle, who I hadn’t seen in 7 years. We decided to pay our first visit of the year at Meiji Jingu Shrine in Harajuku before heading over … Continue Reading


Happy New Year everyone! I kick-started my year with runway shows and performances in Little Tokyo for A Japanese New Year’s Celebration. It was so warm today but I had a great time 🙂   The runway show was for the boutique 2WJD, and I sang two songs, an original called “Miss you” and a … Continue Reading