Happy New Year 2024! Because this year is the year of the dragon, I wrote the kanji character for “dragon” on my New Year greeting card. Although it was a rough start for the new year in Japan, wishing everyone a year full of health, happiness and love. 新年明けましておめでとうございます!本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。2024年は辰年ということで、今年の年賀状は「龍」の字を書いてみました。 日本では、新年早々に災難が起こってしまいました。これ以上被害が拡大しませんように、被害に遭われた皆様の回復とご無事を願っています。 皆様にとって良い1年になりますように。

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year 2022! I know it’s a month late, but I really wanted to share this Japanese-style New Year’s postcard I made (yes, it is hand-written!). 2021 was an interesting year for me – it was a pretty rough start to be honest, but I was somehow able to turn things around by the … Continue Reading

A Happy New 2017

  Happy New Year to all of you lovely people! 2016 went by awfully fast, but I’d like to believe it’s to bring even better tidings for the new year. 明けましておめでとうございます!本年もどうぞ宜しくお願いします。あっという間に2017年になってしまいましたが、それは2016年より更に良い出来事が待っているからだと思いたいです。     This New Year’s day, my friend Mika and I visited Kurumazaki Shrine, or “Entertainment Shrine,” in Akasaka, a popular place for those working … Continue Reading

a new year, new beginnings. it’s 2016!

Here’s to a new year, new beginnings. Each year comes with ups and downs, happiness and sadness, success and failures. 2015 was another roller coaster ride for me, and I’m sure 2016 will be no different. I intend to accomplish at least some of my goals, if not all, find happiness in this world full … Continue Reading