A Weekend in LA with Yuri Nakagawa

And it’s already been 3 months since my trip to LA and here is a long overdue post (oops). I still remember the flurry of events after picking up my friend Yuri Nakagawa from LAX like it was yesterday. Our meetup in LA was not planned at all – it was a coincidence how our … Continue Reading

Hello July, Hello summer

Hello July! I can’t believe we’re already in the second half of 2017. July is my birthday month, so it makes sense that summer is my favorite season of the year. Growing up, I was always envious of the other kids that had birthdays during the school year since the entire class could celebrate with … Continue Reading

Rio de Sol Brazilian swimwear

September is approaching, and summer is coming to an end. Summer seems never-ending, but before you know it, fall arrives and it’s back to school, back to work. I was lucky to have been able to visit one of Japan’s beaches for a photo shoot, and luckier that Rio de Sol sent me this swimwear … Continue Reading