Seoul travel diary

Before I post about my time in LA, I wanted to post my Seoul travel diary from Fashion Week. So here you go! I seriously had a feast there for 2 days in a row. ロスでの写真をアップする前に、ソウルの旅行日記を今回紹介します。2日間、とても豪華なお食事を頂けて幸せでした♡

Attending Seoul Fashion Week 2016 for Metrocity

Before and after the Metrocity Autumn/Winter 2016 Collection for Seoul Fashion Week. I’m wearing a jumpsuit and sandals from their Spring/Summer collection, and the quilted clutch bag is also from Metrocity. Thanks for an amazing time! ソウルファッションウィーク、メトロシティの2016秋冬コレクションの様子。私は、春夏コレクションのオールインワンとサンダルを着用。バッグもメトロシティです♡ 素敵な時間、ありがとうございました!  

Metrocity 2016 AW for Seoul Fashion Week

If you’ve been catching up with me on Instagram, you probably saw my updates in Seoul for Fashion Week. I attended Metrocity‘s Fall/Winter 2016 Collection, “Hippy Happy Shake,” which embodies relaxed, freestyle silhouettes, fluffy textures, fringe and tassel details, handmade patchwork all with a decorative twist. This year, Metrocity is featuring supermodel Barbara Palvin, and … Continue Reading

Seoul photo diary

My view of Seoul from behind the camera. Bustling night life, cute coffee shops, kimchi and more kimchi, healthy and delicious food – thank you for being so lovely, Seoul. 私がカメラの後ろから写したソウル。賑やかな夜の街、お洒落なコーヒーショップ、どんな時でもキムチ、美味しくてヘルシーな食事。ソウル、素敵な時間をありがとう。