Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko – March 2019

March was a flurry of events, with Tokyo Fashion Week right in the middle of it all. I didn’t blog about it this time since I wasn’t so active this season, but there were plenty of other events to blog about. Lots of product & collection launches, anniversaries and store renewals will be featured in … Continue Reading

Tokyo Party Report by Samantha Mariko – December 2018

I can’t believe it’s almost 2019! December turned out to be a pretty eventful month (I was going to multiple events in a single night a couple times this month, yikes!), and I’m hoping January will be just as busy. I hope you enjoy my December Tokyo Party Report! もうすぐ2019年なんて早すぎる!12月はいつも通りの忙しさで、クリスマスの日は熱でダウンしてしまいました。一晩にパーティー3〜4件回ってたりしたら、そりゃそうなるよね。皆さんも体調には気をつけて、来年も楽しい一年にしてください!12月のパーティーレポートも是非お楽しみください♡ efffy x Masami Yanagida Collection … Continue Reading