OUTFIT | downtown streets of LA

My two-week vacation in California is slowly, yet quickly coming to a close. After going to eggslut with my brother the other day, we found some cool graffiti walls and fences in the industrial district of downtown LA and he was cool enough to snap these photos for me. I was very pleased with his … Continue Reading

A December beach

  Enjoyed an afternoon at the beach today with my brother. I wish I was more of a beach girl growing up, but I’m still spoiled for being able to enjoy some California sun right before Christmas. Our bathing suits are courtesy of Billabong Japan – thank you! We love Billabong <3 今日は弟と冬のビーチを楽しんできました。クリスマス前に水着着て海へ行けるのは、本当に贅沢だなーと今更思う。水着とトランクスはBillabong Japanから頂いたものです。Billabong 大好き! … Continue Reading

umami burger @ the camp

A few days ago, I took Amy to Umami Burger at The Camp in Costa Mesa. Two starving girls after a morning of shopping = eating our burgers to the very last bite. Umami never disappoints. My Skyed Apparel hat is the perfect accessory for a super casual outfit. Thanks always! 数日前、エイミーちゃんを旨味バーガーへ連れて行きました。ここのハンバーガーは半端ない。腹ぺこの私たちは最後まで食べちゃいました。。美味しすぎるから。エイミーといるといつも楽しい♪

A Huntington Beach sunset

With my friend Amy visiting my hometown of Huntington Beach for a couple days, it makes me see the city in a slightly different light. As we were driving along PCH during the sunset yesterday, she remarked, “You are so lucky to have lived in such a beautiful area.” Having lived away from California for … Continue Reading

hello california / milk & honey

Day 2 in California, and I’m already enjoying the weather, food and my family & friends. I grabbed a quick lunch with my mom at Main Street Waffle in Huntington Beach, met up with an old friend at milk & honey in Costa Mesa, and picked up my friend Amy at LAX. I’m so glad … Continue Reading

Relaxed days

  My last post from my trip to California – this was from my last day there in Huntington Beach. I made a short but sweet stop at Sweet Elle Cafe with Sylvia and her friend, and we later headed over to Huntington Beach Public Library for a quick shoot. I did a photo shoot … Continue Reading

California girl

My last few days in Orange County were spent shopping, walking around Main Street in Huntington Beach, and catching up with my friends over good food and drinks. Also, a family dinner at Tokyo Table consisting of American-style sushi. I already miss the summer weather despite it being winter, my family, and my friends. But … Continue Reading

Catalina Island

I didn’t realize Catalina Island was such a beautiful place until my family and I visited a few days ago. It was one of my father’s favorite places, and now I can see why. I’ll be back again, Dad.

SoCal, I’m back

My first few days back in Southern California mainly consisted of good food and reuniting with my favorite people – photo shooting in L.A., lunch with my brother, hotpot dinner at Boiling Point with friends, Bruxie’s waffle sandwiches with my best friend of 10 years, shaved ice, boba, and the night view from the 405. … Continue Reading

Bye bye Orange County

Some happier times during my stay in Orange County. Disneyland with my brother and cousins, family dinner at Tortilla Jo’s Downtown Disney, dinner, boba and shopping dates with my amazing friends, and a cozy family dinner with my mom and brother at Black Angus. A lot more people I wanted to see and a lot … Continue Reading