A few weeks ago, I attended the launch party for ACT GIRLS, a street wear brand produced by Japanese model and singer Anna Tsuchiya. I totally admire Anna for being so true to herself in terms of lifestyle and fashion. I was lucky to have met her even for a brief moment, and view her new collection firsthand. Centered around rock and military style, her line consists of casual basic items such as T-shirts, knits and pants; riders and fake leather pants, destroyed denim that is very much Anna’s personal style; and her original lip logo imprinted on the back of her items such as her studded jackets. She was inspired by the casual yet glamorous LA style, and I could see myself wearing many of her pieces. You can check out the rest of the collection on ZOZOTOWN.
数週間前に、土屋アンナさんプロデュースのACT GIRLSのローンチパーティーに出席しました。アンナさんのスタイルはとても個性的でかっこ良くて、憧れです。パーティーでも、一緒にスナップを快く撮っていただいて、コレクションも間近で見れたのでラッキーでした。このファーストコレクションは、ロック、ミリタリーをはじめ、時代を問わず愛される定番スタイルを取り入れながら、①ミニマルでメンズライクなTシャツ、ニット、パンツなどのベーシックアイテム、②土屋アンナらしいライダースやフェイクレザーパンツ、クラッシュデニムの展開、そして③リップマークのロゴがバックに浮かび上がるスタッズライダーズなどのプレミアムアイテムを用意しています。カジュアルでグラマラスなLAスタイルの印象を受け、プロデュースされたコレクションだそうです。私も着てみたい服がたくさんありました!詳しくはZOZOTOWNへ!
Naomi Vangestel
The collection looks so awesome! Very unique but I appreciate that in designers, obviously
Naomi in Wonderland
Atsuna Matsui
That's so neat that you got to attend their launch party! Their streetwear looks super dope.
Tenin Diavara
The collection looks so unique and stylish. You're lucky to have be enable to attend the event 🙂
Kim Alston
She's awesome! Love her collection.