Katharine Hamnet AW 2016 at Opening Ceremony

This was my first time viewing a Katharine Hamnett collection, and I absolutely loved it. Something about the oversized silhouettes and the touches of red here and there really have me excited for fall/winter. Held at the Opening Ceremony store in Omotesando, my friends and I enjoyed a reception party and fashion show. Their pop-up … Continue Reading

Vintage sweaters & Dr. Martens

The color red is slowly but surely creeping into my wardrobe. With the winter sales going on in almost every store imaginable, I decided to stop by a few of my favorites, and found this cozy-looking sweater at Opening Ceremony. A remake of a vintage sweater, I didn’t realize what the print said until after … Continue Reading

Regimental stripes and fur

Just a few days ago, I experienced the first snow of the year in the Tokyo area. Even though the snow has melted already and the weather has improved, the winds are chilly and it’s hard to avoid a little red nose. Lisa of Paint with Stars was such a good sport this time around … Continue Reading